Wednesday 29 June 2011

Extreme Sports - The odds of death in a bungee jump accident

Introduction to Bungee Jumping

Bungee jumping is an extreme sport that people participate in the world. The first attempt in this extreme sport was in 1979, when a "dangerous sport England team developed the bungee apparatus, which is still in use today. The bungee jump was first done successfully by Clifton Suspension Bridge .

Jump Starter

In 1986 a man named AJ Hackett bungy jump was his first in New Zealand. He went on to skip a number of important buildingsas the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Not long after, bungee-jumping really came into its own as an extreme sport and is now a popular activity all over the world for fans of extreme sports. But how safe is it? And what are the chances of dying in an accident involving bungee jumping?

Bungee cords

Due to the high risk element associated with the sport are, chemists and physicists are constantly striving to improve in make-up of elastic cord. The elastic rope that is used todayIt consists mainly of rubber and plastics. At the request of equipment, the height and weight of several people considered in order to ensure survival. The cables used are different for different people weighted to ensure maximum safety. It is up to scientists to ensure order, use a middle ground between rigid and flexible to be in order, extreme athletes enjoy the sport and keep it alive.


Before you even think of a bungee jump of 99.9% ofPeople want to be completely sure they are safe. Statistics show that there are only two million chance of dying in one of the sport, so it's pretty safe, especially if other extreme sports such as diving and climbing over. In addition to this, may (or may not) be reassuring to know that almost all the incidents that has happened is not due to bungee real, but because the operator is not fixing the cables to the person or the buildingproperly. Manufacturers of bungee cords are more efficient in their work.


Compared to other sports there is not uncommon for many people to believe, bungee jumping is dangerous. Take skydiving for example - because of the large number of "normal" people who believe in this sport, many people, is relatively safe. This is a sport generally safe, but when bungee jumping are the chances of dying in comparison much higher. The same can be said for a parachute,Jumping and diving. If you have thought of a bungee jump, why not continue the search? The odds of dying are very small!

Extreme Sports - The odds of death in a bungee jump accident

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