Sunday 27 November 2011

Vertical Jump Drills? Here Are 4 Drills to Get a Massive Vertical

Vertical Jump Drills? Here Are 4 Drills to Get a Massive Vertical

Jump Starter

What vertical jump drills are the best to get mad hops? It is true that you can dramatically improve your athleticism...something many athletes aren't aware of.

What does it take to see results?

Simply doing some simple exercises consistently and not giving up. If you don't gain inches in 2-3 weeks--don't fret. Just keep going and you will gain inches.

So what are the best exercises for improving your vertical?

#1) Jumping rope and sprinting

These are great workouts that can be done at any time, and they are excellent for strengthening your fast twitch muscles. Both are very easy and require very little equipment.

#2) Stair running

Running on the stairs using your toes is one of the top ways to get a higher vertical. For this just sprint up the stairs 1 at a time, and then walk down and sprint back up it, this time going 2 stairs at a time.

Then walk back down and start at 1 again. Keep doing this sequence as long as you can go at full speed...and when you feel yourself starting to slow down, stop doing it.

#3) Box jumps

These vertical jump drills are ideal for improving your fast twitch muscles. All you need is something around knee high and that can hold you weight. Then you stand on top of it and step off...and the second you hit the ground, leap back up on it.

#4) Rim jumps

These are also great for working out the fast twitch muscles...for this leap up and touch the rim (or the backboard if you aren't able to touch rim). The very second you hit the ground, spring back up and touch it again.

How often should you exercise?

Make sure you never workout every single day, as this will not allow your muscles enough time to rest, and this will actually make you weaker. Doing high intensity workouts 3-5 days a week is the way to go, as opposed to longer and more frequent low intensity workouts.

Workouts to avoid

Stay away from jogging or other lower intensity workouts. Longer and lower intensity workouts focus on strengthening the slow twitch muscles...and the fast twitch muscles are the ones responsibly for jumping.

The RIGHT WAY to workout

Whatever workout you do, go all out for roughly 8 seconds and then stop and rest. This is because your fast twitch muscles (the ones responsible for jumping) can't perform at their optimum level for any longer than this.

When your workout stretches past this point you are essentially training for endurance...which won't help your athleticism.

Therefore, a good rule of thumb is to do the vertical jump drills as long as you can maintain full speed...and when you feel your performance starting to decline, stop and rest for at least 2-3 minutes.

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Saturday 26 November 2011

Benefits of Vertical Jump Training Other Than Better Hops

Benefits of Vertical Jump Training Other Than Better Hops

Jump Starter

Vertical jump training has been a hot topic for a number of years now. The surging popularity of the NBA and college basketball and the spectacular slam dunks seen in nearly every game has created a huge interest in such programs. It seems everyone wants to be able to dunk and new programs seem to be released on a weekly basis. As a result, most people think of vertical jump training in light of basketball.

Benefits for Other Sports Besides Basketball

Basketball players aren't the only athletes interested in vertical jump training. Volleyball players, football players, soccer players, track and field athletes all can benefit from a good vertical jump training program. In fact, athletes in any sport that place a premium on jumping ability and explosive speed can benefit from such training.

The benefits of having a good vertical jump in volleyball is obvious, the ability to play above the net to drive a spike or block an opponent. Football players, particularly receivers know well the benefits of being able to get up. A quarterback that knows his receiver can really jump can throw the ball up high where only his man can get it. Likewise, a great leaper has the same advantage on defense. He can go up higher than his opponent to pick the ball off. Soccer players with superior leaping abilities can have a clear advantage when going up for a header in a crowd. Clearly, vertical jump training can make a huge difference for more than basketball players. And we didn't even discuss baseball players leaping to steal away a home run ball, track and field athletes and more.

Benefits Besides Better Hops

Vertical jump training has benefits for an athlete far beyond simply getting more hops. A good vertical jump training program will combine strength training (weight lifting), flexibility training and speed training to produce a better all around athlete. The will result in more explosive strength, speed and agility as well as leaping ability. The repetitive nature of many jump training exercises produces greater endurance, body control, muscle response time and balance.

Flexibility training, a part of any quality vertical jump training program, will result in an athlete less prone to injury due to increased flexibility and strength. Many vertical jump programs will also teach the proper mechanics of leaping which not only help increase your vertical jump but also help reduce the risk of injury.

Follow the program!

With vertical jump training, it is more important than normal workout routines to follow the program to see the maximum results program. Most programs are trying to do more than simply strengthen your legs so you can jump higher. Without getting overly technical, they are trying to develop stronger muscles with quicker reaction and recovery times. Deviating from the schedule or workout routines can seriously affect your results. Follow the program to the letter to see the best results.

Of course, as with any intense exercise program care must be taken to perform the exercises with proper technique and intensity to avoid injury and to get the maximum benefit from the program. Even the best program can result in injury if they are performed improperly or too frequently. Follow the program.

Listen to your body!

The workouts in most jump training programs are quite intense and there is a lot of debate over the best training techniques and methods. Regardless of which program you use, even if done properly many of these workouts can be hard on your body. There will be a lot of jumping, lifting, stretching and more. Listen to your body!

If you are an athlete, you know the difference between normal workout discomfort and abnormal pain. Pain is a warning from your body that something is not right! Stop your workout until you have had a chance to determine what the problem is and what needs to be done about it.

If you are not an athlete, vertical jump programs are not the place to start. They do require a certain level of strength, flexibility and fitness to start. As with any new exercise program, you should consult with your physician to see if you are up to starting a vertical jump program. This is especially true if you have a history of joint injury or problems as jump training can be particularly hard on the joints.

Which Program to Choose

As mentioned before, there are quite a number of vertical jump training programs out there. However, some have managed to prove themselves effective and have separated themselves from the rest. It is not the goal of this article to push any particular program but to help open your eyes to the additional benefits of leap training other than getting more hops. However, you can visit the Get More Hops! website to read and learn more about vertical jump training theory, techniques and methods as well as learn more about the leading jump training programs.

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Friday 25 November 2011

Arathi Basin - Face the adversary afore bold start!

Arathi Basin - Face the adversary afore bold start! Video Clips.

This is an Arathi Basin exploit perfected and used to make it over to the enemy team before the game even begins. Watch the WHOLE thing and Enjoy! :)

Keywords: wow, warcraft, arathi, gate, bg, exploit, gaming, warlock, skatr, 581

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Maiden flight of the Airfield T-28 Trojan 800mm

Maiden flight of the Airfield T-28 Trojan 800mm Video Clips.

This is my 2nd RC plane, and my first 4 channel plane with ailerons. I learned on a Champ 3 channel by hobby zone, a great starter plane. This one has about 5x the speed and power and is way more responsive, quite a jump in skill required. My landings ended a little rough by running off the road, but landed with no damage, so that's a plus!

Tags: RC, Plane, t28, Trojan, airfield, flying, warbird, channel, airplane

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Thursday 24 November 2011

How To Jump Start a Dead Battery

How To Jump Start a Dead Battery On YouTube.

Video tutorial on how to jump start a vehicle with a dead battery by Dave's Complete Auto Service in Centerville and Layton, Utah.

Tags: how, to, jump, start, car, dead, battery, vehicle, maintenance, automotive, auto, tutorial, tips

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Wednesday 23 November 2011

How to Write a Good Introduction For a Story - Starting Slow Vs Diving Right Into the Action

How to Write a Good Introduction For a Story - Starting Slow Vs Diving Right Into the Action

Jump Starter

A good introduction for a story is essential, but that first paragraph is often the most difficult part to write. Those first few sentences must lure your reader deeper into the plot. Is it a matter of leading them in gently or grabbing them by the hair and dragging them inside?

As with most aspects of writing, there are no hard and fast rules. Beware of those who tell you there is only one way to produce good writing. There are tried and true methods-and there are certainly some tools of the trade that any writer would be wise to consider, but one of the most exciting things about writing is there is no sure-fire method. But with all this in mind, here are some suggestions as far as the introduction for your story.

Is it good to start slow or dive right in? The answer? It depends. This is like asking if a song should start with a gradual build-up or if it should explode into a wild beat. It depends on the song. It depends on what effect you want. It depends on what the song is about.

If your story is a slice-of-lice, literary effort, then a gentle opening is probably best. When writing for a patient reader-someone who wants to be deep into the moment-you can indulge in the details, establishing the setting with extensive descriptions of the smells and sights. You can dwell on the pensive demeanor of your protagonist as he broods over the icy Atlantic.

However, if your story is meant to create the sensation of movement-through time or space-then diving right into the action is probably best. When writing for an eager reader-someone who is ready for suspense and adventure and does not care what color the house is or what the protagonist is wearing-you should jump in and start moving the story forward. You can start with the frantic intensity of your protagonist as he dives into the icy Atlantic.

Some might argue that literary writing requires a slow progression. The danger here is that your dazzling insight into the details of the moment can end up being pretentious. Your story becomes more about you than the story itself.

Others would argue that standard fiction requires a quick takeoff. The danger here is that your thrilling pace is filled with characters you do not really know anything about-therefore you do not really care if they live or die.

The bottom line is this: it depends on the effect you want. If you want to meet the expectations of the majority, then diving right into the action is more than likely your best weapon of choice. When you are competing with television and movies, if you dally too long at the gate, you will lose your reader.

This leads to at least one strong suggestion. Write a good rough draft of the whole story without worrying too much about the beginning. Once you have got a good feel for what kind of story you have, you can go back and decide what sensation you want your reader to experience when they start to read. Strangely enough, it might very well be that you will find your beginning only when you reach the end.

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Work Out at Home with the SparkPeople Fitness Starter Kit

Work Out at Home with the SparkPeople Fitness Starter Kit On YouTube., the world's largest and fastest growing weight loss and fitness website, is happy to open their new online store:! The SparkPeople Fitness Starter Kit, which includes a stability ball, resistance band, pedometer and workout DVD with 2 never-before-seen workouts led by SparkPeople's own Coach Nicole, is just .95. Your Kit will also give you special access to hundreds of free workouts, exercise demos and online support from To get your Fitness Starter Kit, which can help you lose weight, tone up, get fit and finally reach your health and fitness goals, visit today!

Tags: home, exercise, physio, swiss, free, cheap, inexpensive, fitness, equipment, tube, strength, train, tone, lean, walk, steps, tracker, ideas, gym

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Tuesday 22 November 2011

Jump Higher In Basketball - Exercises To Improve Jumping Height

Jump Higher In Basketball - Exercises To Improve Jumping Height

Jump Starter

Basketball requires a high degree of physical prowess and it's not surprising to learn than jump height is one of them. Learning to jump higher in basketball can be a long training process that requires not only perseverance, but also the right knowledge as to what muscles to build up. Over the course of your training routine, you should aspire to reach goals, but also learn what muscles you will need to tone and build in order to reach your maximum jump height. From your calves to your thighs and your abs, they're all integral to getting the most of your body.

However, be sure that you don't over work yourself. If you sustain an injury from too much training, it can set you back more than you've gained. Try to train five days a week at most or alternate to reduce the detriments of training.

Exercises To Improve Jump Height

Always keep in mind that you should stretch and warm up before any training. This will prevent your muscles from suffering any injuries and slowing your training down. Furthermore, as you warm up and stretch more, you will be able to perform tougher exercises. There are certain exercises you can do to help the warm up process.

One such exercise is the Knee Bend. Begin in a standing position. From here, crouch down as far as you can, then return to your standing position. This will work out numerous muscles and as time goes on, you can increase how many reps you carry out, starting with 15.

Another few additional exercises are the Knee Bend Jump, an adjustment to the Knee Bend. Instead of simply standing back up, you jump up and then, as you land, return back to the crouching position. This is a higher-intensity exercise and is directly related to the purpose of the training. Additionally, the Toe Raise helps improve the calf muscles and is as simple as standing up, then standing onto the tips of your toes, then returning to your initial position. To increase the intensity, you could add weights to the mix.

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Monday 21 November 2011

Car Starter Mod

Car Starter Mod Video Clips. Modified car starter "jumper box" to use a standard 12v lawn mower battery from Wal-Mart. This modification cost about . The correct battery for this jumper box costs + shipping so this was a no brainier it had to be modified. It works just as before but now has a lot more power.

Keywords: IMG, 0003

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Jump Start Your Vehicle - Safety is Always First

Jump Start Your Vehicle - Safety is Always First

Jump Starter

The process of jump starting a dead car battery is quite simple and relatively safe, but like many situations involving machinery there is always the risk of injury if not done properly. I have never been injured jump starting a car, nor have I ever known anyone who was. But I always knew the potential was there. I have been fortunate to have a father who happened to know a lot about cars as a mechanical engineer and so I wanted to share some tips I've learned along the way.

Just as you always did during your high school workshop class, safety glasses is always recommended while jump starting your car. Rubber gloves can also be added protection but not as necessary. Another golden rule is to never attempt to jump start a frozen battery. You can check this if the battery has removable vent caps (make sure to close them afterward) to see if the electrolyte solution inside is frozen. Again, do not jump start it for the battery can explode!

Also, do not jump start the car battery if you see cracks in the casing. This will indicate to get a new battery. Also, if you see the green or blue snowy particles forming around your car battery terminals, then you may also need a replacement battery.

Having jumper cables available in your vehicle will obviously increase your chances of getting your car jump started by a willing second motorist who may or may not own battery jumper cables. I remember having to borrow jumper cables from the security from my workplace when I was stranded in the parking lot and my supervisor was not too happy due to company regulations. The bottom line is that it is always good to own a pair of jumper cables and keep them in your trunk.

Moreover, there are even portable battery chargers that you can get at your local auto supply shop for usually under 0. Many of these come with a built-in air compressor to pump your tires and a light source for any night emergencies. With these 12 volt battery jump starters, you won't need a second car to jump start your car. Just follow the manual and do it yourself!

There will be more on this subject to come in my next few articles. I hope this information has helped you and until next time, happy safe driving!

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Sunday 20 November 2011

GTA San Andreas - House Party - allotment 1 (OG LOC Mission #4) - from the Starter Save - Mission Help

GTA San Andreas - House Party - allotment 1 (OG LOC Mission #4) - from the Starter Save - Mission Help On YouTube.

This is simple demonstration on how to do the mission House Party (part 1) in LosSantos using the Starter Save saved-game. NO CHEATS and no mods were used. This is a completely legitimate game. PC Version 1.0 Recorded using Fraps with a GTX 280 video card. The complete Starter Save (from this video) can be downloaded here: The Saved Game of this video (with the mission completed) can be downloaded here: This is for PC users only... you can load it up and play it on your PC. or Save the file on your PC here: \My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files Do you have v2.0? Here's a link for people with v2.0 to play v1.0 saved-games (made by Ryan): Here's a link for the Easy Script Switcher, to swap between v1.0 and v2.0 (made by rubregg): There are no edits in this video... what you see is what actually happened. Here are the details: The video starts off as a saved game with 25.67% Game Progress already made. The following side-missions have been completed: 1) Firefighter Mission 2) Paramedic Mission 3) Taxi Mission 4) Pimping Mission 5) Burglary Mission 6) Vigilante Mission 7) The Roboi's Food Mart Courier Mission in Los Santos 8) The Hippy Shopper Courier Mission in San Fierro 9) The Burger Shot Courier Mission in Las Venturas Also, the following Challenges have been completed: 1) BMX Challenge 2) Chiliad Challenge, Scotch Bonnet 3) Chiliad Challenge, Birdseye Winder 4) Chiliad Challenge, Cobra Run 5) NRG-500 ...

Tags: GTA, San, Andreas, House, Party, グランドセフトオート, サンアンドレアス

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Saturday 19 November 2011

How To Push-Start a Car With a Dead Battery

How To Push-Start a Car With a Dead Battery On YouTube.

Check out this cool app and learn guitar - Learn how to push-start your car with this short tutorial.

Tags: hothowtos, push, start, car, dead, battery, transportation, safety, emergencies, transmission, vehicle

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Simple Ways to Jump Start Weight Loss

Simple Ways to Jump Start Weight Loss

Jump Starter

Many people are wondering these days if they should just throw in the towel when it comes to trying to lose weight and then keeping it off because they may have tried a lot of different weight loss programs or maybe they have tried to go on many different diets and even if they have had the endurance to go through them they may not have had success on one of these or many of these programs before. But there is no reason to just give up and to abandon all hope and go out and buy industrial scales and electronic scales. Because you should not give up hope and just resign yourself to the fact that you can not get into shape, because you can even if your genes seem to be saying that you can not.

The hardest part of going on a diet and starting an exercise plan is sticking to it and most of that is a mental struggle that you will have to win against yourself, and this can easily be the hardest thing to do if you do not try to make sure that you win the internal battle before you try to win the external battle with your body which depends so much on the mindset that you have when you are doing the program for it to be successful and work well for you personally.

One of the first things you can do to make going on a diet easier is to do the simplest thing which is similar to one method of going on a special diet which is to count the calories that you take in and this method is to just cut down on the amounts that you eat at each meal, and this can be as simple as having one cheeseburger instead of two or if you usually take two scoops of whatever side dish grandma serves at thanksgiving you may start taking one or even one and a half, cutting back wherever you can so that you will slowly be denying your body unnecessary calories that will just be stored as fat and unwanted body weight that will be difficult to get rid of if you want to.

Another thing you can do that will be a change in your eating schedule, but that will benefit you more than you may imagine is to eat more meals a day, and this does not mean eating two breakfasts or two lunches or two dinners, but what it means is that you should eat small helpings and if you try to do this and eat a lot of small meals throughout the day then you will be able to curb your appetite more and this will be good because getting stuck in the concepts of eating only three official meals a day is not what our bodies were designed to do and a lot of people are not able to alter their metabolism to this sudden change in the way we consume food so it can't keep up.

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Friday 18 November 2011

Beckett_Snooker Q_MS_Mar 2011.wmv

Beckett_Snooker Q_MS_Mar 2011.wmv Video Clips.

Beckett's First ever Snooker run. Four reds and a full close, a very promising start to playing Snooker with him.

Tags: Snooker, agility, dogs, sports, jump, AAC, Beckett

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Thursday 17 November 2011

High Jump Intro

High Jump Intro On YouTube.

Just a short intro to high jump.

Keywords: high jump, high, jump, blanka, vlasic, stefan, holm

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3 Fast and Easy Ways to Jump Start Your Weight Loss Program

3 Fast and Easy Ways to Jump Start Your Weight Loss Program

Jump Starter

If your weight loss program is not going as strongly and working as quickly as you would like you can jump start your plan by following a few quick and easy tips. This article gives you the step-by-step process to jump starting your weight loss program.

If you have been overweight and inactive for a long period of time you might find that your body doesn't lose weight very easily. Likewise if you have been losing successfully but you are now finding that your weight loss is slower than before you might need to recharge your body's ability to lose.

These tips will help you:

1. Cut carbs after lunch. Your body will turn to the most readily available and easiest energy source it can find and carbohydrates are usually your body's first choice. The problem with this is that when there is a steady stream of carbs coming in through your diet your body has no need to burn body fat for energy. Therefore, limit your carbs in the afternoon and evening and your body will begin to burn body fat more efficiently helping you lose the weight.

2. Cut out refined carbohydrates for the next two weeks. Here again they are a much too easy of a source of energy for your body and your body will neglect body fat but they also cause your insulin levels to spike making it more difficult for your body to burn fat.

3. Eat small meals and snacks throughout the day. Space out your meals to keep your insulin levels steady. Three meals and two snacks a day work well.

You can jump start your weight loss program by following these fast and easy steps and speed up your fat loss.

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Tuesday 15 November 2011

How to Get Referrals - Seven Ideas For New Business Owners Just Starting Up

How to Get Referrals - Seven Ideas For New Business Owners Just Starting Up

Jump Starter

Referrals are one of the very best ways to grow your business. However, asking for a referral is the tricky part. How do you ask? Whom do you ask? Especially when you're just starting up your business. It's not easy getting referrals when you're just starting out. That's because most people asking for referrals fail to keep these two things in mind:

First, think about this from the viewpoint of the people thinking about referring clients to you. They are all asking the same question: "Why on earth should I send you a referral?" Sure, they can see it would be of value to you and your business if they refer someone to you. "But why," they ask themselves," "is it important to me?" If you can answer that question from their viewpoint, you will give them a reason to be happy about referring someone to you.

Second, people who refer a friend or client to you have a lot to lose. If you do an excellent job, that's great. If not, it colors how the referrer is viewed. As a consequence, they could even lose their client's business.

So you need to think carefully before asking for a referral. Here are some ideas you may find helpful.

Seven New Business Referral Ideas

1. Become a low risk referral by adding high value assurance. For example: Give a money back guarantee or free consultation to each person referred to you.

2. Make sure you have something to offer that either other service providers don't want to do or that you are specialized in doing.

3. Don't hide the fact that you're brand new. Instead, capitalize on it. Offer a start-up discount during your first six months in business.

4. Make a list of local people and businesses in your area that offer complimentary services and whose clients may need the services you offer. Then contact them in person.

5. Approach local churches and charities and offer to teach classes in your area of specialty. Teach the class for free. Then give a discount on your services to everyone who signs up at the end of the class.

6. Talk with your hairstylist about your services. Give him or her a stack of referral cards. Offer your stylist for every customer who purchases a service from you as a result of one of the cards he or she passed out.

7. Find another new business owner and cross-promote each other. They key here is to find a strategic partner who is in a complementary business and will benefit from promoting your business as well as theirs.

When just starting up your business and asking someone for a referral, keep in mind that you are asking for someone to trust you. Trust you with their precious clients. Trust you to not make a fool out of them for recommending someone to you. Therefore, think carefully before asking for a referral. Make sure you have something to offer that will be of benefit to the referrer.

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Jobs for Felons - Jump Start Your Search for Felon Friendly Jobs With Free Help From the State

Jobs for Felons - Jump Start Your Search for Felon Friendly Jobs With Free Help From the State

Jump Starter

Jobs for felons are not easy to find in the current economic condition. One way for an ex-con to get assistance is to visit or call the state employment office. Each state has a slightly different name (for example, "Department of Workforce Services" or "Agency for Workforce Innovation") but the services they provide are mostly the same. They have thousands of jobs listed in their database and they should be able to help you on the road to finding jobs for felons.

All of these government employment offices have their own website where jobs for felons are listed and job seekers can simply upload their resume or apply right away for those jobs. However, this is a rather inefficient approach since you will not know from the job listing on the website whether or not these are companies that hire felons.

It's better to call or visit the employment office and ask them for assistance in finding job opportunities for felons. When you call or visit their office, just be honest about your situation. Each year around 650,000 people are released from state and federal prisons in the U.S. so your situation is hardly unique. The state employment office will have at least one person who will know which employers offer felon friendly jobs.

Although most of the jobs for ex felons that are offered will probably not be very good ones, this is still a good starting point if you are willing to work from the bottom up.

While you are there you should also ask about government programs in your state that are in place to help you reenter the labor force and locate jobs for felons. They may also have information about non-government resources for felons such as church-based groups and other non-profit organizations that are active in your area. This can be a great resource in finding employment for felons.

To give an example of one such program, the Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) is based in New York City. Its Neighborhood Work Project provides immediate employment opportunities to work releases, felons and ex-convicts while its Vocational Development Program assists them in preparing for long-term careers for felons. CEO reports that within two to three months, more than 65% of participants are placed in full-time jobs.

Job hunts can be really frustrating and oftentimes you might want to give up. Try to stay focused and positive and make the most of whatever resources are available to you. There is help out there and a good place to start looking is with your state in searching for jobs for felons.

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Monday 14 November 2011

World of Warcraft Guide Priest - Jump Start Your New WoW Priest

World of Warcraft Guide Priest - Jump Start Your New WoW Priest

Jump Starter

Congratulations, you have chosen to play a Priest. If this is the first time you have played a Priest you should find this information helpful to help get you going. Here we will give a general overview of basic Priest play and some points on getting your Priest on it's way too the higher levels A.S.A.P.

If your an experienced World of Warcraft gamer you can appreciate the value of the Priest. While other classes have some healing abilities, the Priest is pretty much the king of all healers. The Priest is the quiet character in the background keeping an eye on the group and nurturing them much like a Shepherd watches over his flock.

If your just starting out in World of Warcraft a Priest may seem a little boring at first, but as you learn the vital role of a Priest it becomes a challenging and multi faceted character that is never a bore to play. The Priest usually plays best as part of group. Although the Priest can play solo in basic circumstances, they do not hold up well against large mobs until the higher levels are reached. Once you get to level 25 or so you will find soloing to be much easier but as I said before the Priest is primarily a group player. Don't let this discourage you from choosing to play a Priest though, it is a very powerful range damage character and is very respected by other classes. One last thing before we move on, when playing a Priest in PVP don't be surprised when you find the other team concentrating more on killing you than the rest of your group. This just goes to show how valuable a Priest is. Your abilities as a Priest are much needed by the rest of your group.

In the original World of Warcraft you race selection was limited to draenei, dwarf, human or night elf for Alliance and blood elf, troll or undead for Horde.

With the Cataclysm expansion you will also be able to play gnomes and taurens as priests and both new races, goblins and worgen.

Getting your Priest through the first several levels:

When just starting out you will have the Lesser Heal spell and the Smite range attack, a great combination especially when you earn your first buff, Power Word Fortitude. Keep Fortitude on all the time for now and use it to help your group if you are with one. Make sure to keep your health and mana up, as a Priest you are very vulnerable and should pay close attention to your survival. Keep your distance, the Priest is not a melee fighter so don't play it like one. The farther you are from your enemies the better, let the hand to hand characters fight up close.

Before going out questing be sure to stock up with plenty of water, you will need to drink often especially after confrontations.

At level 4 Shadow Word Pain will become available to you, keep your distance and use Shadow Word Pain on mobs to debuff them. Keep this debuff on most of the time, but there will be times you will still want to use Fortitude. Strafe Smite from a distance to help keep mobs under control and be sure to watch for when your debuff, Shadow Word Pain wears off. Keep it going.

At level 6 Power Word Shield will become available to you, use this when preparing to go into battle or any time you are under attack. Being a frail character you will want to keep this shield up all the time, consider this a important part of playing a Priest. Also at level 6 you will want to visit a trainer to get your first substantial quest, take it and complete it as soon as you can.

At level 8 the Renew spell and Fade will become available to you. Renew is a excellent heal over time spell that will come in handy whenever you or your group is under attack, use it and use it often. Fade is used to help control your enemies aggro, very useful to keep your foe's attention away from you.

At level 10 things really get fun with the introduction of Mind Blast. Mind Blast is an awesome range attack spell that does great damage and doesn't use too much mana. Resurrection is now available to you enabling you to resurrect players. Also at level 10 you will receive your first talent point, so put some
thought to what kind of Priest you would like to become.

At level 12 you will get a very nice armor bonus buff called Inner Fire which is a great help against melee enemies and multiple attackers.

From this point on you will work your way up the levels at a pretty good pace, just check for quests at all times and think about how you wish to build your

Priest. And look into getting more advanced Priest information.

Thanks and Happy Gaming.

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Sunday 13 November 2011

Cady O'Daly Gabriel

Cady O'Daly Gabriel On YouTube.

15.0-hand, 2002 purebred blue-eyed creme Connemara gelding sired by Tre Awain Goldsmith, out of *Cloud Shadows CONTACT: Emily Daily at 'Gabe' is one of our favorite homebreds, having blossomed into a successful Training level eventer, show jumper, and foxhunter. Because of Gabe's adorable personality and striking appearance, he has quite the fan club! Gabe has a respectable record at Training level eventing, and is very suitable for a junior or adult amateur who are just getting started in the sport. He's also the perfect Pony Club or foxhunting partner. Gabe has also competed very successfully at many Pony Club Championships (eventing and show jumping) over the past several years. He won his qualifying rally at Deep Run, which was his first Training event, and also took home the Bierman Challenge Cup in 2009. He also won the Eleanor Brennan scholarship for being the top eventing horse in Pony Club in the region. He was second overall in the region in show jumping as well. Gabe is also a seasoned foxhunter, and hacks out beautifully alone or with others on the buckle. He's foxhunted with Glenmore and Farmington hunts and has done multiple hunter paces. View Gabe's complete record. He's competed in many unrecognized events, and won the Virginia Starter Trials, both in the spring and fall at Novice and Training. He was third in his very first Training event in 2009, and almost always finishes on his dressage score. He charms whomever he meets with his ...

Keywords: cady o'daly, gabe, gabriel, connemara, eventing, event, horse, horse trials, pony, gelding, fox hunting, jump, cross-country

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Cheap Wagan EA2045

Wagan EA2045 SelfCharge Auto Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter Review

List Price : $49.95

Sale Price : $26.80

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Wagan EA2045 SelfCharge Auto Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter Feature

  • Plugs into lighter socket and in 10 minutes, its ready to go
  • Powerful sealed alkaline battery inside has the power (5 amps, 14.5 volts) to start the vehicle
  • Recharge your car battery through the cigarette lighter while driving for 30-120 mintues or with the available AC adapter
  • Unaffected by extreme weather conditions
  • Built-in trickle charge protection

Wagan EA2045 SelfCharge Auto Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter Overview

Wagan SelfCharge Auto Jumper In-Car Jumpstarter allows to jump start the vehicle from inside the safety and warmth of your car without jumper cables. The powerful sealed alkaline battery has 5 amps and 14.5 volts of power. It is simply plugged into the cigarette lighter and in 10 minutes the vehicle is ready to go. The jumper is unaffected by extreme weather conditions. It recharges from the car battery through the cigarette lighter while driving for 30 minutes to 120 minutes.

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Saturday 12 November 2011

Breathing for Exercise Energy - Jump Starting Your Heart

Breathing for Exercise Energy - Jump Starting Your Heart

Jump Starter

Many people will give excuse after excuse for not exercising during the day. While the number one excuse is not having enough time, the second excuse used most often is not having enough energy. Energy will remain low as long as the mind is in the avoidance mode. Once you convince yourself that exercise is fun and you WANT to do it, the exercise will return, like MAGIC! In order to jump start those energy levels, exercise breathing can help.

Exercise breathing is like a warm up for the lungs. It gets the body moving and the lungs working in a similar way to how they will be working during the fitness routine. Once the lungs are moving briskly, the heart will kick in and the energy levels of the body will rise.

If you have ever noticed during an exercise routine that after the first 10 or 15 minutes, the exercise does not seem so hard and the energy levels needed to continue are there you understand the forces behind exercise breathing. There are four steps to breathing for energy and they are:

* Take deep breaths. Kind of like stretching the lungs, you want to begin your exercise breathing with long inhales and slow exhales. These will warm up the lungs for the volume of oxygen they are about to experience. These slow breathing exercises should be repeated for 10 to 15 repetitions.

* Rate your energy level. As you are deep breathing, mentally rate your energy level. This will give you a guideline by which to compare your energy level after the breathing exercise. As you slowly breath in and out, notice any changes in energy level. Toward the end of the warm up, you should feel a bit more energized than before you began.

* Moving to abdominal breathing. Now you will move the breathing exercises to the abdomen. As you breath in, fill the abdomen with air and do not move the shoulders. This is all about the tummy. Count the amount of seconds it takes to fill the tummy and exhale at the same rate. You want to breathe in and out just deep enough to not become dizzy from the process. We are not filling a balloon here, just warming up the body. Continue this exercise for three minutes.

* Rate your energy level again. After the three minutes, there should be a marked change in energy level. Your lungs are now warm and ready to move to the music of exercise. This practice can be used at any time during the day when you need a boost of energy, but especially when you are too tired to exercise. These tips can be repeated as a cool down after exercising.

Breathing is the ideal way to give your body back that little spark it needs to move on with the daily exercise routine. Life is all about balance and when we balance our workouts to include our entire body, they will help us to become a healthier person all around for now and tomorrow.

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Thursday 10 November 2011

Peak PKC0AO 300 Amp Jump Starter

Peak PKC0AO 300 Amp Jump Starter

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Peak PKC0AO 300 Amp Jump Starter

Peak PKC0AO 300 Amp Jump Starter
Peak Jump Starter is a 300 Amp jump starter with 600 Peak amps of power. This unit has the Peak exclusive Low Charge Alert (LCA) technology that warns the consumer when the jump start battery needs recharging. LCA means you will always be ready to jump start your car when you need it most. No need to have another driver involved with the Peak Portable Power System 300. This product is also a powerful portable source of DC power anywhere with its DC power outlet. Easy and safe to use than jumper cables. It comes with DC and AC recharging adaptors. The 5 LED battery indicators can instantly tell you the battery power level. The reverse polarity LED and alarm keeps you from hooking up the cables incorrectly.

Peak PKC0AO 300 Amp Jump Starter

  • Exclusive Low Charge Alert (LCA) Alarm signals owner when jumper needs charging
  • High impact resistant housing with rubberized sure-grip bottom and handle
  • Reverse polarity LED and alarm
  • 5 LED battery power indicator
  • This item is not for sale in Catalina Island

Peak PKC0AO 300 Amp Jump Starter

Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

Peak PKC0AO 300 Amp Jump Starter
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 11, 2011 07:58:05 ***

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Wednesday 9 November 2011

Downieville Classic 2008

Downieville Classic 2008 On YouTube.

Short film from our trip to Downieville, California for the Downieville Classic 2008. Mostly river jump stuff. Music is by: Enya - Relaxation Prodigy - Fire Starter FloBots - Handlebars

Keywords: Downieville, mountain, bike, river, jump, cliff, crazy

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Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Right Way To Jump Start A Dead Car Battery

The Right Way To Jump Start A Dead Car Battery

Jump Starter

Much has been said and written about car batteries and how to jump start a car
that has a dead one. The thing is, a lot of this info is either incomplete or wrong.

Sooner or later you will find your self in a car with a dead battery. So please read on.

Here I will give you the right and up to dated way to jump-start a car safely. Of course this is if you are stranded away from home. When you are at home the best thing to do is use a charger, not a booster or cables.
First of all I don't recommend jumping cables to the motorist, second the best options are to use a booster or just call (an expert mobile service) or take the vehicle to an expert shop. If the battery is older than 3 years or so, it could be bad.
If you must use jumper cables then here I will show the right way to do it.
Read the whole article since the info is all over the same.

First some information about batteries.

I repair many vehicles with bad batteries. The reasons the battery went bad can be many, so after jumping a vehicle you should seek professional help. Here I will tell you what can make a battery go bad, what to do to prevent it and things to do in an emergency situation.

Why a battery goes bad:

o Bad alternator.

o Bad or loose serpentine belt or off or missing serpentine belt due to another bad component.
o Excessive heat or cold.

o Age.

o Defective Part from factory. (Rare).

o Leaving the car sitting too long or driving the car in short trips not

allowing the battery to recharge.

o Too much drain, like the battery is too small for the demand. Or maybe

there are add-ons like monster stereo systems etc.

o Parasitic drain. Or just leaving the lights or something on.

o Dirty connector/terminals.

o Vibration. When there's no hold down.

o Using the wrong fluid to replenish it, like tap water instead of distilled water.

o Bad computer. The voltage regulator is there in some cars.

o Physical damage. Car accident, being dropped.

Taking care of your battery.

The best way to prevent battery failures is by doing regular maintenance on the vehicle. When regular maintenance is done the battery should be one of
the main items checked. They should clean terminals, top off the fluid if possible using only distilled water, do some tests on it, and of course test the charging system etc.
Even the best batteries will meet their maker sooner or later. They can "die¬hard" or die soft but they all die. The average life of most batteries is about 3 years, believe it or not. Some top of the line batteries can last a bit longer. I have noticed a decline on the life of batteries lately. So if your battery is about that age, have it checked or just change it to have peace of mind specially if you're making a long trip.

What to do if your battery is dead.

In an emergency when a battery is dead, the first thing that comes to mind usually is to "jump" the car. Well I don't recommend this. First of all this is a potentially dangerous action. (Doing this can cause an explosion and injure you or actually kill you (pieces of plastic going off at very high speed can cut your throat), blind you, or deafen you). The best thing will be to call someone to come and check the car or take it to a shop (there's a chance the alternator could be bad, so replacing or boosting the battery may not solve your problem). If you happen to have cables in your car then you have to find another car to boost you. This is dangerous too, because in doing so you can damage very expensive parts in both your and the assistant vehicle. There's a change of connecting the cables wrong if you're not familiar with the process, if this happens you can disable any of the two cars involved for good and incur in more expensive repairs. The best way to do this if you choose to boost the car is with a portable booster. Some have a switch that will prevent you from causing sparks. Also some models have a device that will polarize the system automatically. So it will be impossible to connect it the wrong way. Some can be connected right at the lighter port, but this takes more time because you have to let the booster charge the bad battery for a while, if you try to start the car right away you could blow the inline fuse or burn the cable.

Also after you get your car running, if you disconnect the assistant car and leave the car running to recharge your low battery this will cause serious damage to the alternator. The alternator is not designed to charge batteries that are too low or at zero volts but to keep them charged. The right way to do this is when using a portable booster to leave it connected to the car so the alternator will charge both slowly and not stress it self. The alternator has the ability to sense the battery state of charge and also the system voltage demand. It will charge accordingly. If the battery is very low it will charge continuously, hence straining it self and overheating. After 30 minutes or so you can then disconnect the booster and keep driving the car for some more time to charge the battery fully. Better yet just drive the car to the nearest service place or call a mobile service when you get home. If you're driving at night or your vehicle has day driving lights this will take a little longer. Of course after having any problem with a low battery and getting the car running, the intelligent thing to do is get your favorite tech to check you system completely to have peace of mind.

Another thing that you need to know is this, sometimes you have a battery installed and it fails soon after (one or two days) why? Well there are different reasons, the battery could be defective (very rare), or there's an intermittent problem with the charging system or a device that is putting a small drain after you turn the car off. New cars have many computers and they use a small amount of energy after the car is turned off, but it is a very small amount and it should not drain the battery in less than 3 months approximately. If it does is because one of the computers could be staying awake too long or has an intermittent short. If this happens to you, don't get upset thinking they sold you a bad battery, or that the mechanic is incompetent. The carr has to be diagnosed again to see what happened.

The right way to jump-start a car.

This is the way I recommend to perform a battery jump with cables. This takes a little longer than what most publications recommend, but is the safe way to do it. I am a professional mechanic with 28 years of experience.

Before you even think about getting your jumping cables out you should:

 First of all it will not hurt to read your owners manual, there you can find lots of info pertaining the procedure. Like where the battery is "hidden" etc.

 Make sure both cars are close enough for cables to reach with out cars touching.

 Inspect the battery for signs of damage. A broken battery case is not a good sign. Do not jump if case is cracked or you see fluid leaking.

 Set the emergency brake on both cars and turn off both ignitions and any other accessories other than the flasher as mentioned.

 Keep at least one of the vehicles flashers on and any other safety device like flares etc displayed.

 Battery terminals should be free of dirt and or corrosion. Use at least water and a wire brush to clean them.

 Make sure both cars are of the same voltage and polarity. Some cars are grounded at the positive instead of the negative although rare. Most cars in the road have 12 volts batteries. With the advent of hybrid vehicles I will strongly recommend you just calling an expert. Hybrid cars have very high voltage batteries. 12 volts batteries won't harm you even if you touch both terminals but hybrid use much higher voltage. Also avoid connecting the cables backwards; very bad things can happen if you do.

 Wear at least eye protection that includes a face protector. Gloves will be nice too. Do not allow battery fluid to touch you, your clothes or the paint job.

 In very cold weather make sure the electrolyte is not frozen. (Use a flashlight etc to inspect, not a lighter).

 Be very careful not to touch any moving part of the engine like belts, fans, etc while performing the procedure either with the cables or your clothes or jewelry etc.

 Now the cable part, (see illustration at the end of article) before you connect any of the terminals make sure they are not touching each other to avoid any sparks. Batteries give off very explosive gasses that can kill you if they ignite. Also if the cables get hot be aware that they could be too thin or the engine could be dragging for some reason. The starter could also be bad (grounding it self). Also may be you have cranked the car too long. Check to make sure the clamps are attached properly. Let tem cool off a bit.

 If anything like dome lights come on after the cables are connected, the cables are connected correctly.

 The first terminal to be connected as recommended is the positive one in the donor's car then at the disabled car (both at the battery if possible).

 Then you connect the negative cable at the battery terminal of the donor's car and make sure you can access the engine at the disabled car to connect the cable there.

 When the cars finally starts, keep at least the headlamps on to aid in keeping any voltage spikes from damaging the delicate circuits in the many modules on today's cars.

 (+) Is the positive terminal (usually red). (-) Is the negative terminal (usually black). This cable goes to the car chassis and the engine block from the battery.

 Disconnecting sequence is the reversal of the connecting sequence

 Smoking is not recommended any time you are working near cars.

More about this.

Never hook up batteries in a series circuit way, you will get twice the voltage and blow many things including computers.
This will certainly damage your electrical system to say the least.

Some cars with antitheft systems will activate it whenever the battery is low or disconnected. Again read the owners manual for info on this and how to reset them.
Every manufacturer use different systems.

When jumping a car you have to first charge the battery with the "donor" car for at least 5 minutes or more if possible, then try, with the cables disconnected to start the car. If the car doesn't crank or cranks slowly then recharge some more with donor car, then with cables connected try to crank the disabled car.

When selecting a set of jumper cables make sure you get a good quality set. The thicker the cable the better. Saving money here will prove a very bad choice. Cheap cables can overheat and in many cases burn or just don't work when you use them (cheap construction around the clamps). Also don't get the shortest or the longest. The middle will be best.

Never crank a vehicle more than the recommended lapse in the owner's manual (usually no more than 10 seconds) to avoid damaging the starter. If the car cranks for very long periods with out starting then you could have more serious problems than just electrical ones. Always wait some time before trying again to avoid damaging your starter or damaging the donor's battery.

If when you connect the last cable at the disabled car you see a lot of sparks make sure there isn't anything on, or the cables are connected properly (polarity), otherwise some sparks are normal since the disabled car's battery is probably very low or just dead.

There are some top-of the line cables that feature a foolproof device against connecting them wrong.

Every time the battery goes too low it gets weak. Different from deep cycle batteries on boats or RV's, car batteries are not designed for this and will after a few discharges just quit altogether

Batteries used to be better known as "accumulators" and you can guess why don't you? Yes they store electricity and the alternator's job is to keep it charged not to charge it from 0 volt, that is the job of a charger.

A battery won't get damaged if kept in the concrete floor instead of on top of a piece of wood. The way batteries are constructed today prevents this.

You don't need to go and spend big bucks for a battery at the dealer, not to mention towing costs. Any battery that meets the specification of your vehicle will do well if maintained properly. The trick here is to get the right battery, meaning the right capacity. Never use one that has less than what is required. A little bigger is better.

Some batteries have a little window that has a green or black indicator to tell you if the battery is good. Well this indicator is not very accurate for this, since it only measures the state of charge of only one of the battery's 6 cells. Another cell could be bad and you could get a "green" indicator even tough the battery has only about 10 volts, which is not enough to properly start a car. Some of the devices on your car might still work tough. The car will crank very slowly.

If by any chance acid gets in your eyes, do all you can to get it out pronto. The more it stays there the bigger the chance for cornea damage.

If you suspect a bad connection on the jumper cables, do not wiggle the connector while connected. Disconnect one on the disabled car first then wiggle the suspect ones then reconnect the rest. Remember you want to avoid making sparks.
After using the jumper cables wash them with water if possible and store them in the bag they came in. This will avoid damage to your trunk from the acid that gets stuck to the terminals.
Always work on a well-ventilated area.

The alternator. The heart of the system.

If your alternator is bad, it was the cause of the dead battery in the first place; so jumping the battery won't get you too far. As a matter of fact you probably won't be able to drive even a mile more. You could end up at a neighborhood where you don't know anyone that will be too wiling to help you.

If the battery or alternator or charging light was on before the battery died, then it is still on after you jump the car then the charging system could have a problem. It will be a good idea to contact a professional.
An alternator could be malfunctioning even if you don't see a red light in your dash telling you so.

If you are knowledgeable and want to test your charging system with a voltmeter, consider this, some carmakers have systems that will not charge when the battery is found to be full. This is done to prevent overcharging and also to increase miles per gallon (The drag on the engine is less) This also helps the durability of the alternator.

Alternators are not designed to "charge" batteries (specially newer cars, they are usually weak in this area). Their job is to keep a fully charged battery that way.
When a battery goes down for any reason, the alternator has to work overtime to bring it back to normal. The use of day driving lights is one of the reasons many alternators fail prematurely, the alternator works harder than in a regular system. But they do offer a good safety measure. Also accessories not installed at the factory like monster stereos will also put an extreme demand on a stock system not designed for such loads. There are some high amp alternators available for these cases. Also the use of multiple batteries helps. Consult an expert in this field for assistance.

Never disconnect a running car battery terminal to "test" the charging system. This was done long ago before cars started using computers. But today doing this can and will damage very expensive components. Also it can create sparks that could cause an explosion. Believe me, many people still use this method to test the alternator, yes even people that "think" they know, like some airplane mechanics.

Starting a car with the cables connected and letting it run could damage systems in either car. Things like computers etc. I have fixed many vehicles with bad alternators and computers due to this. That is why I recommend charging the bad battery by letting the good car charge the bad one for at least 10 minutes. Then you can disconnect the cables and start the car with out damaging anything. There's a theory that running two cars with the cables connected can damage the alternators. I will up date this article with some facts about this.

Push starting; it may not get you too far either.

Another way to get a car running is by push starting it. This is not recommended either. First, damage to the drive train is possible, (Expensive) especially if done often. Second, as I mentioned before, if the car doesn't run because the battery is dead, the alternator will work too hard to charge the battery when you get it started. If the problem is the alternator, the car won't run too far at all because the battery is not getting any charge so it will be depleted very soon. Push start should be done only in extreme emergency situations. As I said, be intelligent and call an expert.

I hope the information here was of help to you. As always no one is perfect. If you think there's a mistake or want to add something to this article, by all means contact me directly.

Considering the low cost of replacing the battery with a new one and after reading this information I am pretty sure you will decide not to risk performing a jump instead of replacing the battery. Unless of course, you are a professional and/or already know what I wrote here.

Today's cars are very complex machines; it is better to leave things to the experts when it comes to dealing with them. You will actually save more money (or even your own life) that way by avoiding costly mistakes.

CMT of Miami works on all brands and models of vehicles. We specialize on battery installation and alternators. When you use our services you can rest assured that you will get the right battery and professional service right at your doorsteps for a fair price.

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Monday 7 November 2011

Should I Do a Detox Before Starting a New Diet Or Fitness Routine?

Should I Do a Detox Before Starting a New Diet Or Fitness Routine?

Jump Starter

The Master Cleanse has been around for over 50 years and it's worked successfully for many worldwide. It is one of the the cheapest and one of the most effective detox programs  around. Most people do the fast for just 10 days, however one can continue up to 40 days. The master cleanse recipe includes a mixture of grade B maple syrup (this is extremely important), water, lemon juice and cayenne pepper. 
It is always a good idea to do a body detox or fast before starting any new fitness or diet program. What's great about the popular Lemonade Diet is that there are special provisions for diabetics also. Although the carbs are high from the grade B maple syrup, they are not stored as fat and one will lose weight unless one drinks over 6 glasses each day or adds more syrup than recommended to each glass. Whether you do the fast for a short period of time or a long period of time - you don't have to worry about missing nutrients, all the vitamins, minerals and amino acids are provided by the grade B maple syrup and by the lemons or limes. The cayenne pepper clears out the mucus that is loosened by the cleanse and also stimulates the circulation. The combination of the lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper act as both a cleanser and a body builder.
Although it should be obvious, when participating in any fast or body detox - it's important that you stick with it - that means no eating and no food!  You drink your 6 - 12 glasses of lemonade, a cup of hot herbal laxative tea in the evening and morning, drink your usual 8-10 glasses of water each day. There is also a salt water flush each morning, which is optional. The point is to detoxify your body completely.
After thoroughly cleansing your body - you will likely feel like a brand new person. You will have increased energy, better mental clarity and an overall feeling of better health. However - there are some things that you will need to be aware of when ending your master cleanse. There are rules for coming off this fast. The day after the fast, you drink nothing but orange juice - no food, nothing else, just all the orange juice you can drink. The next day, you can have broth (and juice if you want), all liquids. The third day you can eat solids again. It is recommended that you start off slowly though, with raw food veggies like salads and fruit. This is the healthy way to come off of this particular fast.
As you can see, a body detox program is a great way to give jump start your new fitness regimen. You're giving your body a healthy advantage by starting with a clean slate so to speak. If you're feeling sluggish before beginning your new exercise program - then the likelihood of you completing it will decrease.

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Sunday 6 November 2011

Dynasty Warriors 7 ~ 03-GP "Throwing Knife Potentials" [HD]

Dynasty Warriors 7 ~ 03-GP "Throwing Knife Potentials" [HD] Video Clips.

** PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION!! ** ** WILL CONTAIN FULL SPOILERS!! ** ** LIVE STREAM - ** Video recorded by Master LL in HD! ( ) [ Dynasty Warriors 7 ] Video 03 Gameplay "Throwing Knife Potentials" - Knife throwing ladies are always awesome and ♥. We got the lovely Sakuya from Touhou who can stop time and throw knifes! Then Cheria appears in ToGF who can do both AND cast Indignation! When I learned Yuanji in DW7 is a Throwing Knife user, I knew she would be my favorite lady to use in the game (Zhou Tai is my favorite for males). Now this is where the tricky part comes in... Anyone who tried using Throwing Knife the first time immediately notice two things - No stagger properties when you hit them - Low Damage These two things make it easy for generals or any enemy to hurt you before you can hurt them. Hence, really made people thought it sucks or an very awful weapon to use. Main reason why Throwing Knife is used is to build up Musou since it builds up extremely fast (probably the fastest in the game! What most players don't notice (unless you're a heavy Throwing Knife user) are two things: - High juggling capabilities (infinite juggle) - Extreme damage when juggling (with C6) This video, which shows Yuanji showing the potentials of using the Throwing Knife to the point that generals are pretty much dead (or have no chance of surviving). With Twin Swords (Weapon Switch allows you to instant return to your other weapon), Yuanji's juggling ...

Tags: 真・三國無双6, masterll, themasterll, dw7, dw6, dynasty, warriors, game, play, boss, battle, event, unlimited, hit, combo, legendary, treasure, battles, throwing, knife, wang, yuanji

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Starting a Foreclosure Cleaning Business? 3 Reasons Not to Jump on the Foreclosure Biz Bandwagon

Starting a Foreclosure Cleaning Business? 3 Reasons Not to Jump on the Foreclosure Biz Bandwagon

Jump Starter

According to the 3/12/09 CNNMoney article, Rise in foreclosures 'a shock', "February [2009] filings jumped 30 percent compared with last year [2008] . . ." Figures like this have spawned a cottage industry of foreclosure business opportunities.

Everything from foreclosure cleaning businesses, to junk hauling services, to second-hand thrift sale opportunities. While these business ideas present lucrative opportunities, many are jumping into them for the wrong reasons. Following are three reasons not to jump on the "foreclosure business" bandwagon.

To Make Money: Owning a small business is one of the quickest ways to get rich in this country. In fact, self-employed individuals, on average, earn more than their corporate-world employed counterparts.

But, you can't go into business "just" because it's a way to make a lot of money. While owning a small business is an excellent road to wealth, it is not an easy one. If making money is your only motivation for entering a "hot industry" -- like the foreclosure niche is right now -- then you're going to be out of business before you start if you don't have a love for what you do, which brings us directly to the next point . . .

It's a Hot Niche Right Now: Hot niches eventually become cool ones. It happens to every industry. No business is "hot" all the time. Business is a long-range investment. Take for example foreclosure cleaning. It's an excellent business to start right now -- and well into the future. The services will always be needed.

However, you must prepare yourself for when things cool down again. How is your business going to outlast the competition? What's it going to offer customers day in and day out that will continue to make them use you?

If you don't have a long-range game plan, the business that you may have gotten just because your niche was hot will soon disappear -- and that's where the real work of owning a small business starts.

You Don't Know How to Market: If you don't know how to market, you'll never succeed in business -- it doesn't matter how "hot" your niche is. Marketing is a consistent, ongoing activity that every small business owner must make a part of their efforts.

You must develop a a stick-to-it-ness attitude unlike any you've ever possessed. If you're easily frustrated or discouraged, don't jump on a hot business trend. Right now, for example, many foreclosure cleaning business owners are learning this firsthand.

They're discovering that they're not the only ones who realized that cleaning foreclosures for a living would make a great business. The competition is stiff. And, the only thing that can level the playing field is a consistent marketing effort and a stick-to-it-ness resolve.

If you want to own a business, look beyond the "opportunity of the day," (eg, foreclosure cleaning) and look to your loves, your passions and your resolve. For when the going gets tough in business -- and it happens to every small business owner at some point -- these will be the only things you have to pull you through until your type of business is "hot" again.

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Friday 4 November 2011

Jump Rope Workout - How to Jump Rope For Fat Loss

Jump Rope Workout - How to Jump Rope For Fat Loss

Jump Starter

Jumping rope isn't rocket science but you may not know exactly what to do for a good jump rope workout. Just follow these simple steps and you will have an excellent formula for burning fat fast.

Before you get started, you want to do the following:

1. Get a good rope

2. Find a shock absorbent surface such as a wood floor, gym mat, outdoor track or tennis court to jump on. Jumping on concrete is bad for your joints.

3. Make sure to have good shoes or cross-trainers with plenty of cushioning for your feet.

4. Have a watch or timer that you can see clearly so you can time yourself.

5. Have some fun music to jump to so you can stay motivated... ipod, radio, or tv all work fine.

6. Realize that jumping rope does take some coordination. Don't give up. The more you practice the better you will get!

1. Warm Up

Warming up is very important when you exercise. It makes your heart rate raise at a gradual pace which allows your muscles time to adjust and not get overworked suddenly. This will help prevent muscle cramps, shin splints, and (hopefully) being terribly sore after the workout.

All you need to do for a good warm up is a slow and steady exercise, like walking, stepping side to side, or dancing. Anything that you can start out doing slowly and gradually increase your speed is a good warm-up.

After doing your warm up exercise for a few minutes, it is a good idea to stretch out all of your muscles. Your whole warm up can take as little as 3-5 minutes depending on how long you plan to exercise for. The idea is to start your heart pumping without overdoing it.

2. The Workout

For the best jump rope workout you want to jump rope in intervals. Start by doing a test to see how long you can comfortably jump for. If it is 20 seconds then jump for 20 seconds and rest for 40. If it is 3 minutes then jump for three minutes and rest for one minute. The amount of rest will depend on your fitness level. Try to jump for longer periods each time while decreasing the rest time between intervals. If you can only jump rope ten times and then need to take a break, then that's what you should start off by doing. But don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion.

For jumping style start by running or hopping in place with the rope. You remain stationary and lift up your knees with each turn of the rope. This is an easy beginners style. Don't try to jump as high as you can on every jump. This is counterproductive and will tire you out quickly. You should be on the balls of your feet, twirling the rope quickly, while only getting an inch or two off the ground.

3. Add Variety

As you become used to the movement and to exercise, your fitness jump rope workout will become easier. You need to adjust your workout to keep it effective. Jump rope using high knees, moving forward and backwards, or side to side and continue this for five minutes. Some other jump rope exercises include "boxing step" (which involves bouncing on one foot for a few passes of the rope and then swapping feet and bouncing on the other for a few more) and "double unders" (where you pass the rope two times under your feet in a single jump).

So there you have it. Remember to keep at it. At first a jump rope workout may seem difficult and you may trip over the rope or hit yourself in the head. Don't get discouraged. In a few weeks you will be jumping like a pro!

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Thursday 3 November 2011

Quality-Built 13926 Premium Quality Alternator

Product Brand : Quality-Built
Model : 13926
# List Price : $143.08 # Offer Price : $107.87 # Save Now : $35.21 or 25%

Quality-Built 13926 Premium Quality Alternator

Quality-Built 13926 Premium Quality Alternator
Quality-Built Alternators are remanufactured for a perfect fit. Housings are 100 percent blasted clean, all mounting threads inspected, re-tapped for easy installation and consistent torque. Terminals are of 100 percent OE-quality. High-temp insulators make connections secure and reliable. Quality-Built alternators are re-designed to operate with every turn of the key for reliable performance. Rotors are electronically tested and coated with high dielectric insulation to ensure maximum durability and charging performance. Bearings are inspected or new, with high-temperature grease for reduced heat and friction. Stators are electronically tested for maximum insulation quality and phase balance. Rectifiers are load tested to ensure alternator durability and charging performance. Brushes and springs are new to ensure long life and charging performance. Quality-Built alternators are re-engineered to withstand the tough conditions of everyday driving. Pulleys are plated or powder coated for maximum corrosion protection. Slip rings are precision polished for maximum output. Voltage regulators are tested for correct operating voltage.

Quality-Built 13926 Premium Quality Alternator

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  • Quality-Built's extensive remanufacturing process incorporates durability testing, root cause analysis and lean manufacturing principles
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$107.87 (New)
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